Eggs of helminths (worms): from the moment of birth until the appearance of the individual

You have the scientific name of parasites-worms. How are the eggs of worms, of interest in a lot, because they are guests in our body. They live in the bodies of humans, animals and plants. However, most of these parasites, who have long adapted to life in the open fresh air, land, and water. The price of eggs in the soil, the water, and even a "fly" in the air.

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To date, the study of more than 300 species of helminthes, 70, living on the territory of our country. The world Health Organization has a bomb of a critical an infection. The number of infections by helminths may be different from the 20 to 22 million people.

The helminth worms, generally considered to be one of the 3 classes:

  1. Flat worms (tape) – a very long time, feed on the blood of the host. Most common is the cattle, and, on the other hand, cepni, Echinococcus.
  2. Roundworms (nematodes) – are of different sizes, different genders. The most common are the roundworms, and pinworms.
  3. Flukes are always bisexual biohelminths, the head of the suckers, with their help the worm attach to the organs of the host. These include schistosomiasis, and others.

The presence of worms is dangerous for a few key reasons:

  • parasites can cause mechanical damage to the internal organs;
  • the reason for the violation of the metabolism;
  • waste products of worms poison the host body;
  • the presence of the worms can be the cause of other diseases.

The worms lay eggs, which can enter the human body mainly through food (food or water), or a failure to comply with the hygiene standards.

A description of the appearance and the texture of the most well-known worms

You have to The appearance of the The structure of the
Pinworms This is a small, round worms, they are white, usually, their size is not more than 1 cm). On the front side of the body of pinworms is with. With its help, the helminth is attached to the inside of the intestine, which is caused by mechanical damage. The other end of the worm is so. Hence the name pinworm.
Roundworm The great worm, a length of about 20 cm and a width of 6 mm. The female is much larger than the male. The red-and-white, with a curved tail. The body of a roundworm is covered with a strong cuticle, which does not dissolve also, the gastric juice. At the head end of the roundworm is the mouth, around the mouth, the three lips.

Just behind the mouth, in the body of a roundworm is the esophagus and the intestines, which is made up of a straight tube. The parasite is still just a swallow cooked food and to digest it.

Whipworm A small worm. With a length of 5 cm and a width no thicker than a human hair, and not more than 0.5 mm. It has the sharp end of the shell to the mucous membranes. The front end of a helminth (3-5 cm) and refined in the thickness of the hair. The rear end is thicker than at the front. This is the intestines. The woman in the rear end of the uterus.
Toxocara In the Toxocara reach up to 10 cm in length. The males are smaller.


Toxocara worm white. Its body is elongated; it resembles the top of the cylinder. The mouth has three lips.
The Species Trichinella Applies to round worms of small size. A length of not more than 5 mm. They were the main feature of the structure is a one-way digestive system.
Beef tapeworm (tapeworm) So it is very large in size. It has long been the body in the form of a strip. How many feet in the length of the beef tapeworm?! One of the giant size of up to 30 feet! Scolex (head) has 4 strong suction cups without hooks. The head of the pattern is small. The neck of the buckets are larger, the number is between 1 and 2 thousand. The uterus is well developed, filled with a transparent egg. The mature tapeworm segments are separated, moved in with the faeces, or separately, to come from the gut.
Pork tapeworm


Its structure is very similar to that of the bovine tapeworm. However, the size, the more times the less-bullish tapeworm – not more than 3-5 m. Pork tapeworm is also known as the armed tapeworm. In my head, except for the 4 cups, there are 32 of the game. Tapeworm segments are about 50 thousand eggs.
Tapeworm broad For a long time so its length can be more than 10 m The body of the worm consists of a small flat head, no more than 5 mm, With the two sides, there is a long flat slit like suckers. Them, the worm clings to the intestinal wall.
Echinococcus It belongs to the class of tape worms, helminth of the small size. His head in the door and shoots. The tapeworm consists of 3-4 segments. "You" the parasite of suckers and hooks. The segments of the parasite, which are located in the sexual organs, and on the third time. They have a separate segment, and have the ability to move independently.
Opisthorchiasis, small A small worm, up to 1 cm) The head has the mouth of a fool. So it has 2 shoots, which is fixed on a smooth surface. You have an oral and ventral sucker. In the oral sucker is a pharynx, and behind it the gullet and the intestines. The rear end of the parasite's excretory organ.
The Liver Fluke

The characteristics of the life-cycle of the worms

The duration of the lifetime of the worms was different. In some, it may take a year or two, and the other parasites for more than 10 to 15 years old. Among the helminths have their centenarians. For example, the pinworms do not live very long, and not more than 6 months. Their birth-rate is high enough. Due to the fact that the eggs of pinworms are very light, they can also be in the air we breathe.

The eggs of roundworm and whipworm enter the body through food

Roundworm and whipworm are more than two (2) years. The first of the living, for two (2) years and for the last 3-4 years. However, this is not the worst of all of the numbers!

However, the record during the fire, which caused a lot of damage to the human body, is the pork tapeworm. Its life span ranges up to 20 to 30 years old.

The experts, puts various tests and experiments on the worms, it is found that the temperature of the habitat effect on the behaviour of the helminth. When the temperature of the body, the patient's Ascaris to spontaneously leave the body. Thus, at a temperature of 40°C, the activity of the roundworm, it has increased a number of times.

The lowering of the temperature in your environment cause you have to take action – to be separated from the body.

One way of disinfection is to heat treatment. For example, for the fish is to kill the parasite, it is sufficient to boil it for 30 minutes. Freezing at different temperature, it will speed up the process of healing. At a temperature of -15°C, but the time limit is 30 days. At -35°C 10 hours at a time.

How many of the required degree of disinfection of the products? The eggs of ascarids are killed at a temperature of +55°C. Handling of the toy in the water, at a temperature of from +70°C for a duration of a few seconds at a time.

The egg-laying worms

The most of the parasites, which lay eggs, but there are also viviparous helminths. These are Trichinella.

How does the appearance of the helminth eggs can be found only with the aid of a microscope. What you have "settled down" in the person of the, you can find out to consider of their time. However, the larva can be seen with the naked eye.

The female worms remain in the body up to the time of fertilization at the time of the bear cubs

How many eggs can you determine that it is a female helminth – horror. Toxocara can be set to 250 thousand eggs. By the way, that the larvae and eggs of worms are much more tenacious of life than in adults. When the female worms die after laying their eggs, this is from pinworms.

Parasites of each of the class in their own live to breed and lay eggs. For example, the biohelminth, ripen the eggs and larvae of the host organism (cow, cat, dog). For example, the biohelminth pork tapeworm. If the human body has been a larva, which then grows a tapeworm in that part of the small intestine. In the case of infection with the tapeworm eggs, the situation is even worse. They migrate throughout the body and can settle in any organ. They are geohelminths eggs, and the larvae have to Mature outside of the host organism in the soil. Roundworm eggs develop into larvae in the small intestine. And, in the best of conditions, with the flow of blood to the eggs (larvae) ascarids migrate to all the organs.

You have to A description of the eggs of The number of in-built The time of ripening of the
Pinworms The pinworm egg is an oval or irregular. The shell is smooth, and consists of several layers of colorless. Of fertilized eggs are larva. At the same time they are pinworms maturity of more than 10 to 15 thousand eggs. After oviposition by the female, the larva, which are maturing at 6 to 8 hours.
Roundworm An egg that is not fertilized, has an oval elongated shape. The outer shell is dense, with small tubercles. In the interior of the ball, which is filled with a ball of cells. Highlights daily more than 250 thousand eggs. After 2-3 weeks, the fertilized eggs become invasive.
Whipworm The egg of the parasite having the form of a barrel shell, and its multi-layered, and transparent. Inside the egg there is a small grain. A 3,500-immature eggs in a day It requires 2 weeks to maturation of the larvae.
Toxocara Eggs with thick, finely-lumpy shell. To 200 thousand eggs per day. A few days the Mature larvae within the eggs. They become invasive.
The Species Trichinella The size of the larva 0.1 mm. For 2 months the female gives birth to more than 2,000 larvae. The female gives birth to live Trichinella larvae.
Beef tapeworm (tapeworm) The egg is shaped like an oval bubble is gray, he has two in the process. The cyst contains close to 200 thousand eggs. If the body of the cyst was not alone, the number of eggs, there is a great deal. Finns in the muscles to maintain a life of 3 years.
Tapeworm broad The eggs are oval, covered with a smooth yellow skin. At the top of the eggs cover the bottom of the tubercle. Everyone in the faeces awarded to more than one million eggs. After 2 to 3 days for the egg, which is formed by the larva.

Flat worms in human

You have to be in the store, not just in the human body and living organisms, Pets, and the outside of the host. For example, Giardia of cats will settle in the upper part of the intestine, and it can be found in the rivers of the fish (bream, IDE).

The eggs of pinworms are parasites that are able to be in the air. Infected with helminths and of the water. She gets infected from the treated soil. Out of the water, they are infected, who are living in the pond fish.

The plants you have are too many. They only parasitize nematodes. They strike roots, and tubers, and the stems and leaves. The infection occurs through food, the host has swallowed the eggs of the worms with food. If the product pour boiling water, the eggs and the larvae to die.

The larvae of the worms

The life cycle of the worms for example pinworm

The human pinworm lives in more parts of the intestine: the small intestine, cecum, and upper colon.

The invasion of the egg, with the larva. The infected host by the fecal-oral route. The larva is freed from the shell of the egg in the small intestine and migrates to the location of the data. Next comes a process called molting, in which the larva becomes a Mature individual.

Helminths — multi-celled parasites

After mating, the males die, excreted in the feces. Meanwhile, the woman with the help of the vesicles attached to the intestinal mucous membrane, by the dawn of the time. They are very prolific in his condition with a maturity of more than 10 to 15 thousand eggs. At the time of the ripening of the eggs, the female moves in to the anus. The woman goes beyond the bowel the night, when the muscles of the anus relaxed. She is crawling on the skin folds of the external genitalia. The muscles of the vagina, the females have to be released, and initiate the development of the eggs. On the surface of the skin of the host body, the most favorable conditions of: temperature, humidity, and oxygen. How many of the Mature egg?

After 6 to 8 hours inside the egg the outside of a man, who is formed in the larvae, they become invasive.

In addition, the female dies, dries up, forming a ball. Its the motion in the folds of the itch. The owner of the apartment in the area. In the hands and under the nails appeared to be eggs of the parasite. Next, there are a number of ways:

  • The patient did not follow the rules of personal hygiene, infected all over again. Take a Lunch with unwashed hands.
  • The patient has hands, touches household items, toys, door handles, etc., infecting your family members.

Don't forget that the helminth is not able to multiply and develop. The egg or the larva of which is the need to carry out a number of: the owner-to-ground/air-to-host.